Top Scams Artists Should Be Aware of on Instagram

Jul 26th 2023

Top Scams Artists Should Be Aware of on Instagram


Instagram has become a vital platform for artists to showcase their work, connect with fans, and promote their creative talents. However, this widespread popularity has also attracted scammers who exploit the vulnerability of artists for their own gain. As an artist on Instagram, it is crucial to stay informed about the potential scams that can jeopardize your art, finances, and reputation. In this post, we will outline the top scams artists should be aware of on Instagram and provide essential tips to protect themselves from falling victim.

Fake Art Promotion Accounts

One of the most common scams on Instagram involves fake art promotion accounts. These accounts often claim to be art galleries, curators, or influencers offering exposure to a broader audience in exchange for a fee. They may promise to feature your art, but once you pay, they disappear or provide minimal exposure with no tangible results. Before engaging with any promotion account, thoroughly research their legitimacy, check for genuine reviews, and verify their follower base. Anyone asking you to private message (PM) or direct message (DM) your image to them is more than likely initiating a promotion scam. Don’t do it. Save your money for legitimate advertising or more art supplies.

Phishing Scams

Phishing scams are designed to steal sensitive information such as login credentials, credit card details, or personal data. Scammers may send you messages or emails disguised as Instagram support, claiming that your account has been compromised or that you need to verify your identity. Always double-check the sender's email address and be cautious when clicking on links. Instagram will never ask for your login details via email.

Artwork Reproduction Scams

Artists are particularly vulnerable to artwork reproduction scams. Scammers may reach out to you expressing interest in purchasing your art, only to reveal that they want you to recreate a famous artwork or an existing piece. They often use stolen credit cards for payment, leaving you liable for the chargeback when the legitimate cardholder reports the fraud. Be wary of any suspicious requests for replication and ensure you research buyers before engaging in any transaction.

Fake Art Contests

Beware of fake art contests that promise prizes, exposure, or even a chance to work with prominent artists. Scammers use these contests to collect artists' works for their benefit, without ever rewarding the promised prizes. Legitimate contests typically have clear rules, reputable sponsors, and are hosted by known organizations or art communities.

Unsolicited Commission Requests

Receiving commission requests from strangers can be flattering, but it can also lead to trouble. Scammers may pose as potential clients, request custom artwork, and then disappear without paying. Always insist on a written agreement and, if possible, request a deposit upfront to protect yourself from potential losses.

Artwork Theft and Copyright Infringement

Instagram's visual nature makes it easy for scammers to steal artists' work and use it for their purposes without permission. Always watermark your artwork and consider using copyright notices in your posts. If you find someone using your art without authorization, report the infringement to Instagram or seek legal advice if necessary.

Check Scams

We’ve received this one astonishingly often. A scammer will initiate a conversation asking to purchase your work but will only pay via check or a credit card, both of which are likely stolen, compromised or way to begin the scam. Always require any potential buyer to purchase via your online store or through a legitimate source of payment like Paypal or Square, where you can send them an invoice and bill. Always, make the transaction on your own terms.


As an artist on Instagram, staying cautious and informed about potential scams is vital for your online safety and the protection of your artistic endeavors. Be wary of suspicious accounts, verify the legitimacy of promotions and contests, and be cautious when sharing personal information. Remember that genuine opportunities rarely require upfront payments or compromise your security. By being vigilant and proactive, you can enjoy a safer and more fulfilling experience as an artist on Instagram. In the end, if it doesn’t feel right, don’t do it.